Brookings Area New Resident Survey Fields marked with an * are required. Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox. Ok Page 1/4 Introduction Thank you for taking our New Resident survey. Your input will help us shape our new resident programming in the coming years. First & Last Name Age * Enter required value Under 18 19-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-64 65 and older What is your current marital status? * Enter required value Single (Never Married) Married Divorced Widowed Separated Living with a Partner/In a Domestic Partnership Prefer Not to Say What is your current employment status? * Enter required value Employed, working 1-39 hours per week Employed, working 40 or more hours per week Not employed, looking for work Not employed, NOT looking for work Retired Disabled, not able to work Student How many children are you a parent or guardian for that live in your household? * Enter required value None 1 2 3 4 More than 4 Page 2/4 Why Brookings? Where did you move from? (City/State and/or Country) * When did you move to Brookings? (Exact date not necessary, we’re looking for month and year) * Why did you move to Brookings? (check all that apply) * A family member had a job opportunity Closer to Family College/University I had a job opportunity Quality of Life Other If "Other," please explain: Is this your first time living in Brookings? * Enter required value Yes, it's my first time living in Brookings No, I attended SDSU and moved away after graduation No, I've lived in Brookings in the past How welcome did you feel after moving to Brookings? (1 = not at all welcome; 5 = very welcome) * 1 5 Do you feel a sense of belonging in Brookings? * Enter required value Yes No Not Sure Yet What Resources did you use when making your decision to move to Brookings? (check all that apply) * Employment Resource Housing Assistance Programs Local Government Resources Local Publications Website Recommendations from Friends and Family Realtor or Estate Agent Real Estate Websites Schools and Educational Institutions Social Media Visiting Brookings in Person Visit Brookings Visitor Guide Other If "Other," please share what resource you used: What resources did you wish you had when making the decision to move to Brookings? Page 3/4 Rate Your Experience Please rate your experience in obtaining the following upon moving to Brookings. Where 1 represents an impossible experience, and 5 represents a quick and easy process. If any of these topics are not applicable to you, please leave at a "1" and list those topics at the end of this section in "Topics Not Applicable To Me" Housing 1 5 Utilities 1 5 Childcare 1 5 Employment 1 5 Social 1 5 Topics Not Applicable To Me Please list any topics that weren't applicable to you (ex: you don't have children, so that topic wasn't applicable - list here) Page 4/4 Final Thoughts Anything else you would like to share with us? Leave your email if you are interested in more New Resident Resources or be entered to win $50 Powered By GrowthZone