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'25 Member/Sponsor Guide Ad Space

Each year the Chamber produces the Member & Sponsor guide, a 20 page booklet with all things "Chamber" - from membership levels to our committees, from our annual report to board members. Here is an opportunity to purchase ad space in our guide! 

We plan to print 800 copies this year, mailing one to each of our 530+ members and utilizing the remaining for prospective member visits throughout the year. 

Size, specs, and prices are as follow:

  • Full page – 8" w x 10.5" h ($1,000)
  • Half page – 8" w x 5.25" h ($500)
  • Quarter page – 4" w x 5.25" h ($250)

Design with no bleed. High res designs due 11/8/2024 to

$250.00 - $1,000.00
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